Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Movie Analysis Gun Violence - 1287 Words

Rush Hour is filled with numerous different acts of violence. Of the eight types of violence counted in the film, gun violence was the most prominent type of violence with eighty-six acts of gun violence throughout the film. Any time a weapon was drawn or shots were fired it was counted as gun violence. The next most common type of violence in the film was physical violence, with seventy-six incidents, which involved any hitting, kicking or pushing. There were nineteen acts of violence with a weapon other than a gun. Items such as shipping containers used to attempt to smash Lee between two in the first scene, pool sticks and bar stools in the scene at the pool hall and the ax used by Sang in the scene where Lee and Carter chase him through a building. There was a lot more action and a lot less verbal threats in this movie, with only nine acts of verbal abuse. There were three explosions throughout the film which was also counted as an act of violence considering the use of C-4. Thre e time throughout the movie a vehicle was used as a weapon either in a chase or when Sang attempted to rundown Cater and Lee after a failed attempt of his capture. The kidnapping of Soo Yung was counted as an act of violence as well as the armed car theft perpetrated by Carter when in pursuit of the fleeing Lee. The total acts of violence counted throughout the movie was an astounding 198 making this film a very violent one. The violence in the movie was made to be mostly comedic, unrealisticShow MoreRelatedGun Violence1387 Words   |  6 PagesGun Violence Sociology 1010 Kenneth Cornwell Zanestate College Carl A. Field Today in our society we have a massive problem with gun violence. Many people are abusing their right to own guns by doing was is called a shooting. A shooting is a kill spree of mostlky public areas. This happens because of people wioth a mental background not being check for illnesses and abeing allowed to purchase firearms. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Outline and Evaluate Functionalist Explanation of Crime.

Functionalism is a consensus structuralist theory, which sees the source of crime and deviance located in the structure of society. Although crime and deviance might be stigmatised in society, some sociologist think it is important to have it occur and there are some benefits to it. Durkheim (1982) argued that crime is an inevitable feature of social life, because individuals are composed to different influences and circumstances, and so not everyone can be equally committed to the shared values and moral beliefs of society. Despite crime and deviance’s threat to society, Durkheim saw it as beneficial as it could perform positive functions in society, such as, firstly; By strengthening collective values. Values can waste away unless†¦show more content†¦But some people do not accept goals like financial success, and, for example, may value job satisfaction and helping others more than income. Secondly; He focuses on individual responses, and doesn’t recognize that there is a social pattern of crime and deviance affecting whole groups of people, linked to social class, age, ethnicity, gender. Thirdly; he doesn’t explain why most people who face strain do not turn to crime or other deviance. Finally; he doesn’t recognize that t here may be many outwardly respectable, apparently conforming successful people who are innovators engaged in illegal activities, as in white collar or corporate crimes. There are other theories that build on Merton’s work, but they focus on the position of groups in the social structure rather than just on individuals, and how these groups adapt in different ways to the strain facing them in achieving social goals. Cohen is one of these sociologists who argues that working-class youth believe in the success goals of mainstream culture, but their experiences of failure in education, living in deprived areas and having the worst chances in the job market all mean that they are denied status in mainstream society. They react to this by forming their own set of values- a delinquent subculture. This subculture is based on rebelling the accepted form of behaviour, for example, stealing replaces hard work. This gives the working-class youth an opportunity to achieve some status inShow MoreRelatedExplanation to Crime and Deviancy Essay1446 Words   |  6 Pages True Crime or Moral Panic? Evaluate and apply sociological theories relating to crime and deviance Explanations of Crime and Deviancy Crime - an action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law. Deviance-the fact or state of diverging from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Financial Position Memo

Question: Discuss Medbox's overall financial reporting and financial position.? Answer: Overall financial reporting and financial position analysis of Medbox The quarterly financial statement of Medbox shows that the gross profit levels of the company are negative and hence the gross profit ratios are negative. The present GP ratio for September 30th 2014 is around (5.91) which suggests that the company lacks financial profitability. (Refer to appendix 1) This also suggests that Medbox has no financial capability to pay for operating expenses like salaries, selling and marketing, research and development and general administrative expenses. The company shows consistently negative net incomes because despite the low gross margin ratios the company has incurred high operating expenses and low revenues that have led to loss from the operations. The return on assets ratio is around (0.36) which is also negative suggesting that the company is not able to manage its assets effectively to yield the greater amounts of income (Leach, 2010). (Refer to appendix 3) The analysis of the balance sheet shows a number of unusual items like derivative liability, which increase the amount of liability of the company. The investments of the company are also nil in 2014 and 2012 showing low amount of assets. Hence from the analysis of the balance sheet it can be confirmed that the company has a low liquidity position. The low liquidity position and the negative revenue shows that the company is not in a condition to pay short or long term debts and is advisable to increase the sales of the medicine storage devices in order to attain a stable financial position (Skov Jensen, 2011). References Leach, R. (2010).Ratios made simple. Petersfield, Hampshire: Harriman House. Skov Jensen, H. (2011).Recommendations financial ratios 2010. Copenhagen: The Danish Society of Financial Analysts.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Speaking up at Nar Anon free essay sample

I sat alone amongst strangers and tired faces in a small, windowless room, anxious for the meeting to begin. The florescent lighting beat down upon me, making my skin look sickly and the lemon pastries before me seem unappetizing. I questioned my decision to come and be a part of this weekly discussion, but as I was convincing myself to quietly and discreetly leave, the meeting had already begun. Everyone listened intently as a blonde, middle-aged woman at the front of the table read out of her binder, reviewing the importance of taking the twelve steps seriously and simply living for today. I attempted to process the meaning of her words, but at the time they remained unclear and senseless. I grew increasingly uncomfortable as she continued to read aloud, but I knew there was no turning back. I figured I could just stay silent, but soon enough we were introducing ourselves, and that notion was long gone. We will write a custom essay sample on Speaking up at Nar Anon or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page â€Å"Hi, my name is Janet,† was not exceptionally painful, and my muscles became relaxed as sat up in my chair, more willing to contribute to the group dynamic. But then people began sharing their personal stories about their husbands, their sons, their daughters, their brothers. They spoke about the heart wrenching pain they were forced to live through and still continue to struggle with to this day. They spoke about how their entire lives once focused around a single person, and how they are now slowly learning to live for themselves, thanks to the twelve steps. After seeing a grown man repressed by emotion and tears, I became weary of telling my story to a group of people I had not known just an hour before. The deep recesses of my mind tried to piece together a coherent story I could tell the group, while I consciously wrestled with the idea of spilling my guts. In the silence of the meeting, it was now or never. I chose now, and I spoke. My story came out jumbled and discontinuous, jumping from my current feeling of being second to my parents’ addictions, to forever living in my sister’s shadow, to simply be looked upon as someone who provides a nice tax write off in the spring. But even though my story was not chronologically correct, the floor was mine, and I was free to say all that I wanted without interruption or judgment. I felt empowered by hearing my own words and listening to myself talk about the reality of my life aloud. I realized I was no longer surrounded by strangers, but by friends dealing with the same pressing, yet closeted issue I have battled since my years in middle school. By taking the risk and speaking up at the Nar-Anon family meeting, I discovered a place where I can openly let my feelings out and talk honestly about the current situation of my family.