Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Movie Analysis Gun Violence - 1287 Words

Rush Hour is filled with numerous different acts of violence. Of the eight types of violence counted in the film, gun violence was the most prominent type of violence with eighty-six acts of gun violence throughout the film. Any time a weapon was drawn or shots were fired it was counted as gun violence. The next most common type of violence in the film was physical violence, with seventy-six incidents, which involved any hitting, kicking or pushing. There were nineteen acts of violence with a weapon other than a gun. Items such as shipping containers used to attempt to smash Lee between two in the first scene, pool sticks and bar stools in the scene at the pool hall and the ax used by Sang in the scene where Lee and Carter chase him through a building. There was a lot more action and a lot less verbal threats in this movie, with only nine acts of verbal abuse. There were three explosions throughout the film which was also counted as an act of violence considering the use of C-4. Thre e time throughout the movie a vehicle was used as a weapon either in a chase or when Sang attempted to rundown Cater and Lee after a failed attempt of his capture. The kidnapping of Soo Yung was counted as an act of violence as well as the armed car theft perpetrated by Carter when in pursuit of the fleeing Lee. The total acts of violence counted throughout the movie was an astounding 198 making this film a very violent one. The violence in the movie was made to be mostly comedic, unrealisticShow MoreRelatedGun Violence1387 Words   |  6 PagesGun Violence Sociology 1010 Kenneth Cornwell Zanestate College Carl A. Field Today in our society we have a massive problem with gun violence. Many people are abusing their right to own guns by doing was is called a shooting. A shooting is a kill spree of mostlky public areas. This happens because of people wioth a mental background not being check for illnesses and abeing allowed to purchase firearms. 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