Sunday, May 24, 2020

Situational Disparities And Individual Officers Thought...

To further examine the situational disparities and individual officers thought processes, it is vital to examine the situations and precise contexts in which these act occurs. The previous two theories have examined the idea of role taking within police officers as well as members of subordinate groups as well as examining the social class and power struggles that occur between the two groups. To help examine the situational disparities and individual officers thought processes, I will be using Charles Tittles (2004) revised version of his original Control Balance Theory (1995). Charles Tittle upholds the notion that an act of deviance is the result of â€Å"control balancing† (Tittle, 2004: 404). One important variable that Tittle discusses is the control ratio variable. This variable refers to â€Å"the total amount of control [an officer] can exercise, relative to the control to which [the offcer is] subject† (Tittle 2004:397). Thus, one can hypothesize that when thi s control balance ratio is unbalanced, the likelihood that an officer could engage in a deviant act is increased. On the contrary, when this ratio is balanced, the likelihood that an officer will act in accordance with the law and department policy is increased. The previous theories have a strong focus with regards to the socioeconomic and political variables that exist within society, which is where Control Balance Theory differs because it incorporates the concept of â€Å"control balance desirability† which TittleShow MoreRelatedThe Department Of Health And Human Services1667 Words   |  7 Pageschildcare and working with their community. HHS has determined that due to the socioeconomic circumstance, there are areas that requires focus such as â€Å"Child welfare†. 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